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March 9, 2009
Grace in small things...
Since I seem to be unable to write anything of substance lately, I
thought I would try to start this. Not only that, but I have been
getting a face full of HOLY CRAP, HOW DO WE DEAL WITH THIS?!?! and not
much time to just slow down and breathe. Maybe this will help.
1. The smell of his t-shirt on my pillow. God, I miss him.
2. Coming home. There is nothing like unlocking the door to my house, walking through it and locking it behind me. I feel safe inside.
3. Cold water when I've got a sore throat.
4. Walking into my library in the morning before the kids are there.
5. The way the sun shines in the library first thing and makes even the dust motes look like gold.
6. Haiku. I can't emphasize enough how much I adore counting out, writing and reading poetry, especially haiku. Small bundles of joy.
1. The smell of his t-shirt on my pillow. God, I miss him.
2. Coming home. There is nothing like unlocking the door to my house, walking through it and locking it behind me. I feel safe inside.
3. Cold water when I've got a sore throat.
4. Walking into my library in the morning before the kids are there.
5. The way the sun shines in the library first thing and makes even the dust motes look like gold.
6. Haiku. I can't emphasize enough how much I adore counting out, writing and reading poetry, especially haiku. Small bundles of joy.