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August 14, 2007
You don't have to tell me...
I owe a post or three. I know, I know, I suck.
On the up side, I'm very good at sucking. I do it a lot. What? Take that however you want to, perv. ANYwhooo ...
I'm *this close* to losing my mind. One minute, I'm feeling really good, lots of energy, vacuuming, unpacking ... the next, I get stabbing pains in my side (damn you, kidney!!! *shakes fist*), I break out in a sweat and I'm curled up in a ball.
I feel so ... fragile. And, though I've always identified with the NIN song, I HATE being fragile.
Good Lord, if they had done a laparotomy, can you imagine how insane I would be knowing I have a few more weeks recovery?!?! As it is, I can't lift anything for another 4-5 weeks and whine whine whine blah blah blah.
I'm driving myself nuts, aren't I? Yeah, I know. I can't help it.
On the up side, I'm very good at sucking. I do it a lot. What? Take that however you want to, perv. ANYwhooo ...
I'm *this close* to losing my mind. One minute, I'm feeling really good, lots of energy, vacuuming, unpacking ... the next, I get stabbing pains in my side (damn you, kidney!!! *shakes fist*), I break out in a sweat and I'm curled up in a ball.
I feel so ... fragile. And, though I've always identified with the NIN song, I HATE being fragile.
Good Lord, if they had done a laparotomy, can you imagine how insane I would be knowing I have a few more weeks recovery?!?! As it is, I can't lift anything for another 4-5 weeks and whine whine whine blah blah blah.
I'm driving myself nuts, aren't I? Yeah, I know. I can't help it.