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March 29, 2005


Via Algor, the Meme Du Jour ... who got it from someone else ... that's what memes are all about, yes?

20 years ago I ... (1985)
1. Took karate for the first time
2. Was working 2 jobs, going to college full time, participating in the theatre, and drinking every night ... ahh, good times, good time... I think
3. Realized it would take me 6 years to get my 4 year degree ... and decided to change

10 years ago I ... (1995)
1. Moved to North Carolina
2. Found out how beautiful, and frustrating, rural living can be
3. Realized moving here cut me off from my support system and that I was screwed

5 years ago I ... (2000)
1. Served the x with divorce papers ... and lived through all the turmoil that ensued
2. Began working on the flood book ... (just got the final draft, BTW)
3. Realized I wanted to be a writer

3 years ago I ... (2002)
1. Began substitute teaching
2. Went back to college to get my Masters
3. Quit my painting business (note I did NOT say I quit painting ... just qut doing it for money)

1 year ago I ... (2004)
1. Lost a significant chunk of weight
2. Lost touch with my best friend
3. Met the most amazing person at the perfect time

So far this year I ... (2005)
1. Went back to college ... again!
2. Got a new car (first one ever)
3. Began taking karate ... again!
(whew, no wonder I'm tired ... it's only March! )

Yesterday I ...
1. Put my plants outside ... yay, SPRING!
2. Ironed a mountain of clothes
3. Filed a mountain of paperwork from my desk ... I feel so accomplished

Today I...
1. Am cleaning
2. and doing homework
3. and getting my haircut along with my daughter, who has never had a haircut before.... can you say stress?

Tomorrow I will...
1. Begin a visit with my sweetheart for the rest of the week ... w00t!
2. Be able to relax and really enjoy our vacation
3. Forget all about homework and cleaning and have some FUN

In the next year I will...
1. Get my Instructional Technology licensure add on
2. Have more options for our future
3. Tell the people I love that I love them more ... that can't be a bad thing.

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This page contains a single entry by Prosemonkey published on March 29, 2005 8:07 PM.

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